Have you ever wondered how people that seemed much less unorganized then you have the most organized lockers. Recently and basically the whole school year my locker has been overcrowded with books and papers and wallets and brushes and candy wrappers and anything else you could dream of. My locker was not that great locker you think I, an organized teenager, would have. Although for some random reason my lockers turned into a bomb scene from world war two. Everything would fall out onto that guy under me. I felt pretty horrible for him when things would come and topple on his head. Unfortunately, I could not help laughing. Sometimes, that guy got on my nerves when we were in math class. Anyways, my amazing and very helpful friend helped me bring around four bags home. Walking is our transportation and our homes are about a mile away. So you could imagine bringing home about four full bags and three of them were pretty heavy. Then you could imagine my friend giving me the other bag because she has a house much closer to the school. At least that house felt much closer considering the journey that only I achieved of two blocks felt like two days.
I would definitely be happy riding a camel home each time I want to travel somewhere but see the beauty. Camels that would be under me and they would carry my bags and my back would not be vulnerable to spinal problems. I think camels could help everyone instead of just me. There would be the camel choosing contest where your camel picks you. Camels would be everywhere and life for everyone would be content.
My locker has reached the level of being manageable and pretty. Everything has a place and more importantly the things are in their places. Anyways, that was my rant for the day and hopefully you were amused on my camels paragraph because how can you not love the fact of riding camels everywhere. The people from the middle east absolutely adored the idea. Of course the middle eastern people weren't the ones who found the camels. The Romans showed the middle eastern people the camels.
I hope my parents do not consider therapy for me. It would be possible.
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